Five NDSU faculty women have been awarded NDSU FORWARD course releases for the 2011-12 academic year. Angie Hodge, assistant professor of mathematics; Sherri Nordstrom Stastny, assistant professor of health, nutrition and exercise sciences; and Anita Welch, assistant professor of education, will have course releases for fall 2011. Margaret Khaitsa, associate professor of veterinary and microbiological sciences; Wendy Reed, associate professor of biological sciences; and Katie Reindl, assistant professor of biological sciences, will have course releases for spring 2012.
The National Science Foundation Advance grant provides support for annual course releases during the project’s five-year duration. Priority for the course release awards is given to assistant professors who have completed their third-year review and associate professors within two years of promotion to full professor. Future application opportunities will be announced in It’s Happening at State and on the FORWARD website, Questions about course release awards or other funding opportunities through the Advance FORWARD project may be directed to Canan Bilen‐Green at or 1‐7040.