The NDSU Diversity Council is seeking nominations for the 2010-11 NDSU Diversity Council IMPACT Award. The award recognizes individuals, groups and units that have demonstrated a significant contribution to advancing diversity as related to the NDSU Diversity Council Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity and Community.
Nominations will be accepted until Friday, April 8, at noon. The winner of the award will be announced at the Green and Golden Globe Diversity Awards on April 27.
The award nomination instructions and nomination form can be found at If you prefer a paper nomination form, send an e-mail request to or or call 1-7314 or 1-8260 and one will be sent to you. Paper nomination forms also are available at NDSU Equity, Diversity, and Global Outreach, Old Main 205. Completed nomination forms should be turned in to the IMPACT Awards Committee at Old Main 205.