Feb. 14, 2020

NDSU Bookstore announces faculty regalia order dates


Faculty participating in the May commencement ceremony have options to acquire regalia at the NDSU Bookstore.

The deadline to purchase regalia is Wednesday, March 25, and the last day to rent regalia is Monday, April 6.

Faculty can purchase commencement attire by printing out the Custom Master's Regalia Form on the NDSU Bookstore website or the Custom Doctoral Regalia Form and submitting it to Jodi Askew at the NDSU Bookstore.

Faculty who graduated from NDSU can purchase custom commencement attire by printing out the NDSU Custom Regalia Form. Faculty can rent commencement attire by printing out the Faculty Graduation Attire Rental Form and submitting it to Jodi Askew at the NDSU Bookstore.

You are asked to stop in to the bookstore for accurate measurements, especially if purchasing your regalia. Instructions for wearing the hood will be available when you pick up your attire.

Regalia arrives the week of commencement. For more information, contact Askew at jodi.askew@ndsu.edu.


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