Hans Kandel, associate professor of plant sciences, will present “Key Farmer Training to Improve Sunflower Production in Bukedea District, Uganda,” on Thursday, April 21, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Memorial Union Meadow Lark room.
As part of the U.S. Agency for International Development Farmer-to-Farmer program, Kandel journeyed to the African nation of Uganda to instruct local farmers on how to improve their sunflower crops. Kandel went to the Bukedea region of Uganda, an area located northeast of the capital city of Kampala. With the assistance of Sam Ebukalin, a visionary leader of a local cooperative, Kandel toured fields, met with a dozen grower groups totaling about 250 people and instructed 60 “Key Farmers” in both classroom settings and hands-on field demonstrations. The talk will provide an overview of the challenges faced by Ugandan sunflower growers.