Dec. 10, 2020

Campus Update from President Bresciani 12/10/20


NDSU Community, 

I want to keep you apprised of our progress responding to the recent incidents involving hate speech.  

We continue to work directly with our students and have had several productive meetings to listen and exchange information. This line of communication will remain open as we continue to progress from the listening/education stage through the ideation stage and finally the implementation stage of improvements.  

In addition, our task force has met twice this week and will continue to meet often. The task force is working rapidly to identify strategies, establish timelines and assign people to lead specified efforts, including evaluating each of the areas of improvement that our students brought forward.  

This is important work and it involves many complicated variables. The task force is drawn from many different areas of the campus, which provides a wide breadth of experience. However, it also requires providing members with detailed backgrounds on processes, policies and laws. We are interested in solutions that are meaningful and achievable, and soon I will be able to provide more specific information. Unfortunately, this process is not quick, but please know that we are committed to achieving a better, more inclusive environment at NDSU.   

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