The NDSU Environmental and Conservation Sciences Graduate Program and the Department of Biological Sciences will co-host the North Dakota premiere of a new movie about environmentalist Aldo Leopold. “Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic For Our Time” is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in Festival Concert Hall. There is no admission charge.
Stanley Temple, a renowned conservation biologist at the University of Wisconsin, will introduce the film and answer questions.
Leopold, who died in 1948, was a noted American environmentalist, author and scientist. He was a professor at the University of Wisconsin, and is perhaps best known for his book, “A Sand Count Almanac,” which sold more than 2 million copies. He was highly influential in the development of modern environmental ethics and the wilderness conservation movement.
According to Craig Stockwell, associate professor of biological sciences and director of the Environmental and Conservation Sciences Graduate Program, the movie shares highlights from Leopold’s career, explaining how he helped shape conservation and the modern environmental movement. “It also illustrates Leopold's vision of using the land in a sustainable manner and highlights modern projects that put Leopold’s land ethic in action in a multitude of ways,” Stockwell said.
Additional sponsors include the Red River Zoo and F-M Audubon Society.
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