Oct. 20, 2021

Water Resources Research Institute seeks graduate fellowship applications


The North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute Graduate Fellowship program is seeking applications. The fellowships are open to the NDSU and University of North Dakota graduate students who conduct or plan their thesis/dissertation research in water resources.

The duration of a fellowship project ranges from three months to one year (Sept. 1, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2023). The amount of a fellowship ranges from $800 to $1,000 per month for master’s degree students and $1,000 to $1,400 per month for doctoral students.

A technical completion report co-written by the fellow and their adviser is expected for each fellowship research project. The proposed research should address water resources issues in the state. State or local collaborations or co-funding will strengthen an application. Fellowships have a requirement for two non-federal to one federal matching funds.

At the time of applying, applicants should have a plan of study filed or a thesis research topic selected. Applications must be prepared and signed by both students and their advisers. Applications from students and advisers who have not met the reporting requirements of their previous fellowship projects will not be considered for funding.

The general criteria used for proposal evaluation include scientific merit, originality, research related to the state water resources issues and extent of state or local collaboration or co-funding. All proposals will be evaluated by an external review panel of water resources professionals.

Applications are due by Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 5 p.m. The application package, including cover letter, proposal, budget, two-page bio-sketch of the adviser and an up-to-date transcript of the student, should be sent as e-mail attachments to linda.charlton@ndsu.edu and xuefeng.chu@ndsu.edu.

For additional information, contact Xuefeng “Michael” Chu, director of North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute. The program is funded by the USGS WRRI 104b annual grant and partially supported by the North Dakota State Water Commission.

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