Jan. 31, 2022

New crop variety releases announced


The North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station released new crop varieties ND Stanley durum, ND21008GT20 soybean and ND2108GT73 soybean in 2021. The North Dakota County Seed Increase Program distributed ND21008GT20 and ND2108GT73 for the first time in spring 2021. The County Crop Improvement Associations will have limited seed for ND Stanley durum available for distribution in 2022.

For further information regarding Foundation or Registered seed availability of these or other varieties, contact an NDSU Extension county agent, NDSU Research Extension Center, the North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association or North Dakota Foundation Seedstocks. 

To ensure genetic purity, all varieties are protected under Plant Variety Protection Title V and must be sold as a class of certified seed. All varieties are licensed to the NDCISA for their management and distribution.

ND Stanley durum

ND Stanley was developed by the durum breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of breeder Elias Elias. ND Stanley has high yield potential and good quality, especially protein content. It is resistant to both leaf and stem rust diseases. ND Stanley is named in honor of the late durum breeding technician Stanley Stancyk, who served the program for 27 years.

ND21008GT20 soybean

This variety was developed by the soybean breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of breeders Ted Helms and Carrie Miranda. ND21008GT20 has high yield potential and resistance to Race 4 of phytophthora root rot. ND21008GT20 has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, brown pods, gray hila and dull seed coat luster. It development was made possible through funds provided by the North Dakota Soybean Council.

ND2108GT73 soybean

This variety was developed by the soybean breeding program at NDSU, under the direction of breeders Ted Helms and Carrie Miranda. ND2108GT73 has high yield potential. ND2108GT73 has moderate tolerance to iron-deficiency chlorosis and is not prone to lodging. ND2108GT73 has white flowers, tawny pubescence, brown pods, yellow hila and dull seed coat luster. Development of this variety was made possible through funds provided by the North Dakota Soybean Council.

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