Aug. 30, 2022

Office of Teaching and Learning launches new professional development series


The Office of Teaching and Learning has developed a new professional development series for all faculty, instructors and graduate teaching assistants during the academic year. This year’s theme is inclusive practices.

Each activity was designed and scheduled to complement one another and supports the NDSU campus in improving student learning through inclusive teaching practices.

“Having a planned professional development theme provides a cohesive and comprehensive approach toward improvement of student learning,” said Stacy Duffield, Office of Teaching and Learning director. “This professional development plan will intensely focus on inclusive teaching and learning so all students experience a sense of belonging and have opportunities for success. The activities and programs offered this year target teaching methods that decrease the drop, fail and withdraw rates for classes.”


Peer Teaching Program – registration deadline is Sept. 2

High Impact Practices Learning Community – begins Oct. 4

Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone Book Study – begins Oct. 25 or 26

Instructional Rounds – begins fall semester 2022

Teaching Assistant Learning Community – begins fall semester 2022

Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities Book Study – begins Feb. 21 or 22, 2023

Teaching and Learning Conference – Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Inclusive Practices Learning Community – begins Feb. 22, 2023

College Teaching Certificate – enrollment available for spring semester 2023


Instructional Coaching - Department Direct Support option – available now

On-Demand Learning – begins fall semester 2022

Faculty Resources Website – available now

Individuals can elect to participate in as many professional development opportunities as they wish. Most events are free or require only a book purchase. Some opportunities have a small stipend available to accepted applicants.

This professional development plan is the result of a yearlong workgroup of NDSU faculty and staff, who shared their time and expertise to identify a comprehensive collection of learning experiences for NDSU instructors who want to improve students’ learning.

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Categories: Events, Faculty
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