Oct. 27, 2022

Favorite places on campus


A. Glenn Hill Center
Students walk through the A. Glenn Hill Center at NDSU. The state-of-the-art building houses some of NDSU students' favorite places on campus.

The NDSU campus is vibrant and filled with energy as the fall semester begins.

The fast pace and unfamiliar surroundings might be initially overwhelming for first-year students. But there are plenty places recharge, reset or take a break during a busy day. And most of it is within walking distance of your residence hall.

Here are a few of our students’ favorite places to study, hangout and relax:

Ana W

Ana Wingenbach

Major: Animal science & veterinary technology

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Mandan, North Dakota

“The Memorial Union. It is just a very versatile place where you can do a lot of things. If you want to be in a social setting, you can go downstairs. If you want a quieter area to study in, you can go upstairs. It’s a nice building to do almost all your studying in.”

Heaven S

Heaven Siewert

Major: University Studies

Year: Senior

Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota

“My favorite place on campus to study would be the A. Glenn Hill Center. I also really like being in the horticulture greenhouse, especially in the wintertime, when there’s no green outside. It’s a nice place to decompress and there are a lot of tropical plants.”

Breanna M

Breanna Metzenhuber

Major: Veterinary technology

Year: Junior

Hometown: Deer River, Minnesota

“My favorite place is fourth floor of Ceres Hall. I’m a TRIO student. There’s a locked entry for TRIO students only to study in. But if you go to the other side there is an old classroom that I love going in because nobody ever uses it and it’s super nice to study in. It’s nice in winter, too, because you get to see the president’s house and that corner of campus. It’s beautiful.”

Categories: Student Life, Students
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