Jan. 11, 2012

FORWARD announces promotion-to-professor luncheon and lecture series


Two FORWARD-sponsored speaker events are scheduled during January. The first is part of the promotion-to-professor panel luncheon series and is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 17, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The second is a part of the FORWARD lecture series and is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 20.

Harriette McCaul, former NDSU faculty member and dean of the College of Business, will facilitate a discussion with faculty members on the issues of work/life balance and promotion to professor during the Jan. 17 event. McCaul also served as interim director of human resources at NDSU. Most recently, she has had primary human resource leadership responsibilities in large, private sector banking and healthcare organizations.

The Lecture Series event on Jan. 20 will feature Joan Williams, Distinguished Professor of Law and founder/director of the Center for Work Life Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. Williams will present “How to have both a job and a life: Excelling in academia without losing your soul,” from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Memorial Union Century Theater. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. Her noontime presentation will address “Four patterns of gender bias and how to make sure it does not derail your career” and is specifically designed for women faculty. Williams also will conduct an afternoon session for department chairs/heads and other administrators titled “It's cheaper to keep her: How losing women faculty weakens a department.”

Registration for each of the promotion-to-professor and lecture series events/sessions is requested and can be completed at the FORWARD website at www.ndsu.edu/forward.


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