Nov. 8, 2012

Animal sciences’ beef research accepted for publication


Several faculty, staff and students in the NDSU animal sciences department had research accepted for publication in the December 2012 issue of Meat Science, the official journal of the American Meat Science Association.

Kasey Maddock-Carlin, assistant professor of animal sciences; Vern Anderson, Extension research animal scientist; Wanda Keller, research specialist; Eric Berg, professor of animal sciences; and graduate students Breanne Ilse, James Magolski, Ashley Lepper and Christina Schwartz investigated the usefulness of raw meat surface characteristics in predicting cooked beef tenderness.

The article is titled “Predicting Beef Tenderness Using Color and Multispectral Image Texture Features.”

NDSU is recognized as one of the nation’s top 108 public and private universities by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.

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