Nov. 13, 2012

Awards to recognize excellence in academic advising


The Office of the Provost has established two awards to highlight the importance of academic advising at NDSU by recognizing and rewarding outstanding advising of individual undergraduates by faculty and professional advisers who are committed to assisting students to reach their full potential.

Nominees must have been employed and advising at NDSU for at least two full years. Full time faculty, instructors and lecturers who actively advise undergraduates are eligible for the Outstanding Faculty Advising Award. Professional advisers are eligible for the Outstanding Professional Adviser Award.

Larry Peterson, director of the Office of Accreditation, Assessment and Academic Advising, said the awards recognize the excellent work advisers already are doing. He also said it raises the profile of advising as an important activity on campus. “High-quality advising is crucial to student success,” Peterson said. “Advisers who are caring and knowledgeable help them find a pathway through the campus. Not only do students need to have the correct courses scheduled, but they also need to have personal and career goals in mind. Advising plays an important role in students being successful in their personal lives and careers.”

Award winners will be selected in a two-stage process. In the first stage, students and alumni will be encouraged to nominate a deserving candidate and provide specific examples of the nominee’s exemplary advising. In the second stage, nominees will be contacted by a selection committee and asked to provide additional information about their advising philosophies and activities.

Each winner will receive an honorarium of $1,000, will be recognized with a plaque in the Memorial Union and will be encouraged to apply for the National Academic Advising Association’s Outstanding Advising Award.

Nominations will be accepted Nov. 1-30. Nominees then have until Jan. 15 to submit materials to the selection committee, which will make its decision by Feb. 15.

More information, including an online nomination form, is available at

NDSU is recognized as one of the nation's top 108 public and private universities by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.

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