Feb. 25, 2013

Officers and board members named to NDSU Alumni Association


The Alumni Association at NDSU has announced its officers and new board members. The 32-member board, which includes 30 alumni, one student representative and the university president, represents more than 80,000 alumni. The board sets policy for the association and works closely with university leadership to help attain institutional goals. Officers are elected for one year but can be re-elected to serve another one-year term. Board members can serve up to three, three-year terms.


•  Mike Krueger, BS ’71, Fargo, president of The Money Farm, was elected past chair of the board.

•  Wayne Schluchter, BS ’82, St. Cloud, Minn., CEO of Schluchter Investment Advisors, was elected chair.

•  Scott Handy, BS ’80, Fargo, president and CEO of Cass County Electric Cooperative Inc., was elected vice chair.

•  Brian Houkom, BS ’80, West Fargo, CEO of Western State Bank, was elected secretary/treasurer.

Additions to the board:

•  Gerald Brossart, BS ’82, Fargo, president, Fargo market, Choice Financial

•  Jim Hauge, BS '70, Bismarck, N.D., agribusiness consultant for Eide Bailly LLP

•  Mark Johnsrud, BS ’90, Watford City, N.D., vice chair and CEO of Heckmann Corp.

•  Barry Schuchard, BS ’83, Fargo, chief production officer of Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson Inc.

For more information, visit www.ndsualumni.com.

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