Sept. 24, 2013

NDSU provost to change roles


NDSU Provost Bruce Rafert has requested a return to the faculty at the end of the 2013-2014 academic year.  Rafert is a gifted astronomer and remote sensing physicist whose career included roles with the United States Air Force, National Science Foundation, DARFA, NASA and the Kitt Peak National Observatory prior to senior administrator roles at a number of leading national research universities, including Clemson University and North Dakota State University. The Provost will be stepping down after what will be three years of service as Provost at NDSU. 

President Dean Bresciani responded that “While surprised, I can’t help but deeply respect Dr. Rafert’s desire for a return to his research, teaching and service. His true passion is his discipline, and he has a deeply felt desire to be a part of the growing scholarly portfolio which has led to NDSU’s top-tier ranking by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and National Science Foundation. With the opportunities we are on the cusp of in North Dakota, his scholarly expertise will add substantially to the important contributions being made by NDSU to our state and national interests.”

Rafert asked for his change in roles to be timed so as to allow for continuity and a well-paced search and transition to a new provost. He will remain in the provost role until his position is filled through what will be an open national search.

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