Message from President Cook

December 2, 2024

Dear NDSU Community,

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Jace Beehler as NDSU’s Chief of Staff, effective Dec. 30.

Jace brings to this position an impressive track record of professional experiences and a love for the Bison community. Since 2020, he has served as Chief of Staff to Governor Doug Burgum, building on a strong foundation of public policy expertise at both state and federal levels. A skilled negotiator, project manager, and trusted advisor, Jace is known for his integrity, strategic acumen, and ability to foster relationships while delivering innovative solutions to complex challenges for the communities he serves.

A proud NDSU alumnus, Jace’s leadership roots trace back to his undergraduate years, where he served as Student Body Vice President and President of the Blue Key Honor Society. His leadership experience and deep connection to NDSU uniquely position him to contribute exceptional vision and strategic insight in this role.

I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the search committee for working closely with Human Resources to conduct a thorough search. The committee members include:

  • Dr. Lisa Montplaisir, Faculty Senate President (Search Chair)
  • Austin Anderson, Student Representative 
  • John Glover, NDSU Foundation President
  • Dr. Kay Hopkins, Staff Senate President
  • Dr. Kathryn Kloby, Vice President for Communications and Marketing 

Please join me in welcoming Jace Beehler to the NDSU community! I am confident that his leadership will greatly contribute to our continued success.

Go Bison!

David Cook


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