January 29, 2025

Dear NDSU Community, 

In my communication yesterday, I shared some preliminary information regarding the recent Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memorandum that paused certain federal  research grants. This memo, OMB Memorandum M-25-13, initially instructed federal agencies to pause their funding to determine compliance with seven executive orders. Earlier today, the directive to freeze the funds was officially rescinded, but federal agencies remain responsible for ensuring that the federal grants are in compliance with the executive orders.  

The exact scope and process for agency review of these executive orders is still being determined. We understand that the lack of clarity in this evolving situation is frustrating to our faculty, staff, and students. Please know that we are committed to sharing the most current information, including how NDSU is responding.   

Our goal is to ensure that NDSU’s research enterprise and student experiences continue with minimal disruption. Importantly, federal student loans remain unaffected. 

I have met with a working group led by Chief Compliance Officer Chris Wilson, which includes representatives from across campus. Below is our current plan of action on how we are moving forward:

Internal Review and Collaboration:

To better understand the impact on our research enterprise, leaders from Sponsored Programs Administration, Grants and Contracts Accounting, Extension, and the Attorney General's Office will conduct an initial review to identify federal grants most likely impacted by the executive orders.  

Specific communications will be directed to Principal Investigators for impacted projects to offer guidance and options. Chris Wilson will also provide regular updates to the campus to ensure transparency and timely information.

Engagement with Legislators and External Partners:

I will maintain close communication with the North Dakota University System (NDUS), the University of North Dakota (UND), state legislators, and our congressional delegation to advocate for NDSU’s interests and ensure our concerns are addressed at all levels. Ongoing efforts include meetings and discussions to minimize the potential impacts on our institution.

We recognize the uncertainty this situation may cause and remain dedicated to navigating these challenges with diligence and transparency. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Chris Wilson at christopher.s.wilson@ndsu.edu. For student concerns, please contact One Stop (https://www.ndsu.edu/onestop). 

Thank you for your continued commitment to NDSU.



David Cook, President


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