Syllabus Statement Example Language

Below are some examples of statements that could be included on your syllabi or website to remind students about mental health resources and that you are a mandated reporter under PDF download: NDSU Policy 156.10 and PDF download: NDSU Policy 162.7. Including information about campus resources and policy can go a long way toward reinforcing the message that NDSU cares about student well-being and does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, sexual misconduct, or intimate partner violence.  

Download a PDF of the Syllabus Options

Space Saver Option

College students often experience situations that may interfere with academic success such as academic stress, sleep problems, juggling responsibilities, life events, relationship concerns, or feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, or depression. If you or a friend is struggling, I strongly encourage you to seek support. Helpful, effective resources are available on campus. You can learn more about the broad range of services available on campus at

“North Dakota State University is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment for all members of its university community that is free from sex discrimination of any kind.” NDSU Policy 162.1.1

All NDSU employees (with the exception of the confidential reporters in the NDSU Counseling Center, NDSU Student Health Service, the Ombuds, and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy Coordinator) are considered mandated reporters according to NDSU Policy 156.10 and NDSU Policy 162.7. As a mandatory reporter, I am required to report any information of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office (EOTIX). If you share information that you, or someone else, has experienced the above during class discussion, email, office hours, papers, etc. I am required to report that information to EOTIX. Having information reported to EOTIX does NOT mean that students are required to file a formal complaint with the University or speak with EOTIX. Students may access supportive measures without filing a formal complaint with EOTIX.

Streamlined with Resources Option

College students often experience situations that may interfere with academic success such as academic stress, sleep problems, juggling responsibilities, life events, relationship concerns, or feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, or depression. If you or a friend is struggling, I strongly encourage you to seek support. Helpful, effective resources are available on campus. You can learn more about the broad range of services available on campus at

“North Dakota State University is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment for all members of its university community that is free from sex discrimination of any kind.” NDSU Policy 162.1.1.

All NDSU employees (with the exception of the confidential resources listed below) are considered mandated reporters in NDSU Policy 156.10 and NDSU Policy 162.7. As a mandatory reporter, I am required to report any information discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office (EOTIX). If you share information that you, or someone else, has experienced the above during class discussion, email, office hours, papers, etc. I am required to report that information to EOTIX. Having information reported to EOTIX does NOT mean that students are required to file a formal complaint with the University. Students may access supportive measures without filing a formal complaint with EOTIX.

If you, or someone you know, would like to talk about an experience of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct or violence but do not want that information reported to the university you are encouraged to contact the confidential resources listed below.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy

          Wallman Wellness Center suite 102
          (701) 231-7331

Student Health Service

          Wallman Wellness Center suite 102
          (701) 231-7331

Counseling Center

         1919 N University Drive (May 2022-May 2023)
         Ceres Hall 212
         (701) 231-7671

Office of the Ombudsperson (if they are grad students)

          Main Library room 20C
          (701) 231-5114

Rape and Abuse Crisis Center (community resource)

          317 8th St N
          (800) 344-7273

If you or someone you know has experienced discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct or violence and would like to file a report with the university, you may do so via the EOTIX online report form or by contacting any of the departments below.

Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office

          Old Main suite 201
          (701) 231-7708

Dean of Students Office

          Old Main suite 100

          (701) 231-7701

Personalized Option

As your instructor, I care about your academic performance and your overall well-being. College students often experience situations that may interfere with academic success such as academic stress, sleep problems, juggling responsibilities, life events, relationship concerns, or feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, or depression. If you or a friend is struggling, I strongly encourage you to seek support. Helpful, effective resources are available on campus and in our community. If you are struggling with this class, please visit during office hours or contact me to request an appointment. If I can help connect you with a resource, please reach out to me. You can learn more about the broad range of services available on campus at

College can be challenging but it shouldn’t be overwhelming. Experiencing sexual misconduct or harassment (either during college or before) can have a profound impact on your well-being. I want to support you during your time in my class and at NDSU, and I also want students to understand my reporting requirements as an employee. As an employee of NDSU I am mandated to report anytime I have knowledge that a student has experienced sexual misconduct or harassment (NDSU Policy 156.10 and NDSU Policy 162.7). This could include sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence and/or stalking, as well as discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. If you disclose an experience of any of the above, whether it is through a conversation, email, paper, discussion post, office hours, etc. I am required to report that information the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office (EOTIX). Following a report to EOTIX, a staff member will contact the student who has experienced violence to provide information and campus resources. You do NOT have to speak with EOTIX or file a formal complaint to receive supportive measures on campus. Working with EOTIX is 100% your choice. I provide this information not to discourage you from reaching out, but because I believe it is important that you understand my requirements prior to disclosing so that you have the information to make choices that are best for you and your experience at NDSU.

If you, or someone you know, would like to talk about an experience of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct or violence but do not want that information reported to the university you are encouraged to contact the confidential resources listed below.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy

          Wallman Wellness Center suite 102 
          (701) 231-7331

Student Health Service

          Wallman Wellness Center suite 102 
          (701) 231-7331

Counseling Center

          1919 N University Drive (May 2022-May 2023)         
          Ceres Hall 212
          (701) 231-7671

Office of the Ombudsperson (if they are grad students)

          Main Library room 20C
          (701) 231-5114

Rape and Abuse Crisis Center (community resource)

          317 8th St N
      (800) 344-7273

If you or someone you know has experienced discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct or violence and would like to file a report with the university, you may do so via the EOTIX online report form or by contacting any of the departments below.

Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office

          Old Main suite 201 OR 
          (701) 231-7708

Dean of Students Office

          Old Main suite 100
          (701) 231-7701

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