Horticultural Plants in Mythology

Emily Erickson

Plant Sciences 211, Fall 2010
North Dakota State University


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Growing Your Own Mythological Garden

Here you will find the quick and easy steps to creating a beautiful outdoor flowerbed consisting of (but not limited to) daffodils, hyacinth, anemone, and narcissus.

All of these plants will be planted in the fall, and will bloom in the spring, livening up your garden. They will also need to be planted in a shady-full sun area.

Growing Daffodils

            Daffodils can easily be grown in a beginner’s garden. They are grown from bulbs (be sure to choose bulbs that have not dried out). The larger the bulb, the bigger the plant and flower next spring! Daffodils are native to woodland areas, therefore will grow well in shade to full sun.

            Daffodils should be grown in the fall, approximately 2 to 4 weeks before the ground freezes. They should be planted 6-8 inches deep and about 6 inches apart. Your daffodils will grow in the spring and there you have your own reminder of the upcoming beautiful months.

            After they bloom in the spring, allow the plants to die so they have time after blooming to store energy for the next year.

To see full details about growing daffodils, click here

Growing Hyacinth

            Hyacinth is a one of the most popular spring flowers. They are fragrant as well as beautiful. Like the daffodil, hyacinth is planted in the fall. They should also be planted a few weeks before the ground freezes. Similarly, hyacinths grow well in shade to full sun, but grow best in bright sunlight.

            Hyacinth stems may need to be staked to avoid bending or breaking during the spring. Also, mind the flowers if you decide to play discus in the yard.

To see full details about growing hyacinth, click here

Growing Anemone

                        The anemone is very easy to grow and is a great plant for both outdoor beds and containers/pots. Before planting, be sure to soak the seeds or rhizomes in water overnight before planting, as this will help them grow once they are planted. They, along with daffodils and hyacinth, grow best in full to partial sun.

            Depending upon your variety of anemone, the flower will bloom in the spring or the fall.

To see full details about growing anemone, click here

Growing Narcissus

            Narcissus is a beautiful and fragrant white or yellow flower that will be a pleasure to plant in your mythological garden. While narcissus is fun to grow indoors, they will also be a great addition to your outdoor flowerbed.

            Narcissus is grown from bulbs and should also be planted in the fall. They prefer a sunny spot in the garden, although they will tolerate partial shade. This flower also look great when planted in bunches. They will tolerate a little crowding.

To see full details about growing narcissus, click here