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DNA nucleotide selectivity in interactions with CNTs of different chiralities

Dr. Kilina’s group was able to explain the mechanism of DNA nucleotide selectivity in interactions with CNTs of different chiralities (J. Drug Deliv. 2011, ID 415621). They found correlations between the most stable wrapping angles of CNT−DNA hybrids and the most preferential DNA base orientations on the graphene with respect to its lattice vectors, which elucidate the sensitivity of CNT-DNA interactions to the DNA sequence (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3, 2790). Working in collaboration with scientist from Los Alamos National Lab, their studies of the interaction and adsorption between graphene and DNA bases have shown that the different nucleotides have significantly different local electronic response (fingerprints), allowing their differentiation via local tunneling conductance (Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 927).