The Parts of Project #2

Step 2: Researching Your Issue

  • You will need to find a minumum of 3 high-quality sources (not counting Wikipedia).
  • You must use sources from both the surface web AND our library.

What are you looking for?

  • Background information on your issue:
    • What exactly IS the issue?
    • What KIND of issue is it? (policy, evaluation, substantiation, interpretation)
    • How long has it been an issue?
    • Who are its chief spokespeople?
    • What are some key dates?
    • What are some key terms and definitions?
  • ALL of the appeals made by your side:
    • Facts, data, statistics
    • Examples
    • Reasons
    • Expert sources
    • Principles (ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, etc.)
    • Inductive and deductive reasoning
    • Compelling emotional factors
    • Primary sources (interviews, letters, personal experience)
    • Secondary sources (magazines, newspapers, books, web documents, etc.)
  • ALL of the appeals made by those who OPPOSE your side
    • Same as above
  • Weaknesses in your side's reasoning. (See Power Point titled, "Logical Fallacies: Ways in Which Reasoning Can Go Wrong.")
  • Weaknesses in the opposing side's reasoning. (See Power Point titled, "Logical Fallacies: Ways in Which Reasoning Can Go Wrong.")

NDSU Libraries:

  • Explore the many links on our library's home page.
  • Try EBSCO Host.
  • Try Research Guides by Subject.


  • Start with Wikipedia, but don't end there!
  • ALWAYS check web sites for credibility and reliability


It's very important for this project that you:

  1. Have a clearly focused and relevant issue, and can state what kind of issue.
  2. Can summarize the history, current status, and relevance of the issue.
  3. Use a good range of surface and deep sources, including interviews, if possible.
  4. Gather source information in a systematic way, and one which keeps track of citation information.
  5. Can objectively summarize in detail the distinct positions held on the issue. (This includes knowing the specific grounds and evidence which each side provides for their side.)
  6. Divide up research tasks evenly among group members.



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