Special Instructions for June 21st and June 23rd


I will be out of town the week of the 20th; another instructor will take my place.


For both evenings, meet WITH INSTRUCTOR IN THE EAST DOORWAY OF IACC.  do not meet in our usual cluster.


After checking in with instructor, adjourn to IACC #150 for independent work described below.


note: This is a good opportunity for you to seek help with any tech issues you may have: trouble with email or passwords, questions regarding cluster software, etc. The ITS Help Desk is located in room #228 of IACC, and they are open until 9 pm.



Tues. June 21st


1) Our workshop session for this evening will be done electronically in the IACC 150 cluster.  Everyone will write a good, developed, paragraph response—one for Dezirae’s work and one for Dakota’s work—and post it to the team blog. Be sure to:


·       provide a clear header for your blog entry:  “Workshop Responses for Dezirae and Dakota,” or whatever;

·       balance your feedback, remarking on what you think is working well AND what you think needs improvement;

·       refer to specific passages and details of the work you are critiquing, and be sure that your responses are themselves adequately detailed;

·       draw, in your responses, on our discussions of art and fiction over the last several meetings. I.e., what goes into a good story? what elements of fiction should any good writer pay heed to? what makes any work of art worth experiencing? what kind of “art” is the piece you are critiquing, in terms of the perspectives wheel we recently had on the board?



2) After you have completed your electronic workshop entries, you should next print out and read the packet of flash fiction (available in our online class library), then write up a brief response to these stories on our blog.  Be sure to:


·       provide a clear header for your blog entry:  “Reaction to Flash Fiction” or whatnot;

·       briefly describe your experience in reading these ultra short stories:  did you enjoy the stories?  Why or why not?  What stories work best for you and why?

·       What are the special demands of this kind of fiction for a writer? Why do you think it has been especially popular over the last several years?  What are potential criticisms of this genre? In what ways might this genre be valuable and exciting?



3) Optional:  begin writing some flash fiction pieces of your own.  Keep these drafts in your folder or stored on disk (or memory key). Consider posting finished pieces to the blog.

Thurs. June 23rd

This will be an evening of independent free-writing in the main computer cluster of IACC, #150.  AGAIN, DON’T FORGET TO MEET IN THE EAST DOORWAY TO CHECK IN WITH INSTRUCTOR. Bring in-progress drafts and spend the hour working on them. 


This time is valuable. As you get deeper into your Governor’s School schedules, you will find yourself increasingly busy (if not overwhelmed), so please use this writing time to its fullest.  Remember that your finished chapbooks are due by July 15th.

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