Poetry Project #2

Instruction and Criteria

Your have a choice of two options for this project. In each case, the emphasis should be on fresh, risky (in other words, frisky) and interesting writing. In each case, you should avoid empty abstractions and weak generalizations. Your poem must be at least 60 lines in length. And it should be strange, imaginative, and moving.

Option 1: Ham Sandwich

Taking into account class discussion on surrealism, and after exploring the topic in a good encyclopedia and on the Web, write a surrealist poem.

Helpful links:

The Surrealism Page

Surrealism (from the Literary Encyclopedia)

Option 2: Ekphrasis

Write a poem based on a work of visual art Your poem can interpret, reflect on, free-associate from, or simply describe the art work in some interesting way. It's up to you— just try for a thoughtful, surprising, and intense response to the work of art.

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