Governor's School Creative Writing

Schedule, 2005

After each date below are tentative activities for that class session. Also following each date is a possible reading assignment which should be read before class on that date. Each reading is linked to a web page where you can access the piece and print it out. (HAVE THESE PRINT-OUTS READY BY CLASS TIME.)



Sun. June 5 —Introductory meeting. Aims, materials, activities, requirements. At end of short talk, adjourn to IACC to

1) print out homepage, schedule, and fiction materials in class online library (you don't have to print out the Micro Fiction pieces just yet);

2) send me an email ( with a brief self-profile, telling me a bit about yourself: where are you from; why are you interested in creative writing; what kind of creative writing have you done before; what do you like to read; what would you like to get out of this class.

Between now and Tues. the 7th: be looking for email blog invitation from before next class. When you receive the invitation, follow the links included in the email and then the instructions for signing on to our class blog.


Tues. June 7 —MEET IN EML 377. Work out any blog problems. Perspectives on art and the creative process. Rank songs and discuss.  Look at Fiction Project assignment.

Thurs. June 9 —Carver, "Cathedral," Oats, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?," and O'Brien, "How to Tell a True War Story." BRING A ONE-DOLLAR BILL. Discuss plotting stories and developing characters. Workshop sign-up.

Tues. June 14 Continue discussion of stories and work with plot and character. Work on own stories and/or workshop.

Thurs. June 16—Read selected micro fiction authors and an essay on microfiction guidelines. Discuss micro fiction. Workshop.

Tues. June 21—Electronic workshop (blog). Click here for full instructions. (Note: I will be away at a conference; a substitute instructor will take my place.)

Thurs. June 23—Intensive work on stories. (Note: I will be away at a conference; a substitute instructor will take my place.)

Tues. June 28Print out poetry materials in our online class library. Luminous Object exercise. Begin work with poetry. Workshop, as needed. Also print out the assignment for your poetry project.

Thurs., June 30 —Discuss print-outs and then look at form. Lineation exercise. Workshop.

Tues. July 5Workshop.

Thurs. July 7 —Drafts returned with comments. Workshop. Work on Author's Bios and public reading tips.

Tues. July 12Workshop.

Thurs. July 14—Wrap-up workshopping and conferences.

Fri. July 15Your fiction project, poetry project, and one-paragraph author's bio are due in my hands no later than noon on Fri. the 15th.  Closing exercises. Everyone will read a brief sampling of their best work for the reception audience.


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