Governor's School Creative Writing

Schedule, 2004

After each date below are tentative activities for that class session. Also following each date is a possible reading assignment which should be read before class on that date. Each reading is linked to a web page where you can access the piece and print it out. (Always bring your print-outs to class.)

Before class each evening, be sure to check this schedule and your email for news and updates.


Sun. June 6—Introductory meeting. Aims, materials, activities, requirements.

Tues. June 8—Perspectives on art and the creative process. Rank songs and discuss.  Fiction assignment.

Thurs. 10—Carver, "Cathedral." Plotting stories.

Tues. 15—Oats, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Finish work with plot.  Discuss character development. Work on stories.

Thurs. 17—Fiction: read selected micro fiction authors and an essay on microfiction guidelines. Workshop. Class cancelled.

Tues. 22—Discuss dollar bill stories and truth-telling exercise. Go to IACC to write flash pieces and work on story drafts.

Thurs. 24—Fiction drafts due. BRING 2 COPIES. Workshop.

Tues. 29—Fiction drafts returned with my comments. Luminous Object. Poetry and surrealism. Work on stories and poems at IACC.

Thurs., July 1—Simic, Edson, Ponge, Bishop, and Neruda. Discuss print-outs and then look at form. Lineation exercise. Workshop.

Tues. July 6—Pizza night. DRAFT OF YOUR STRONGEST WORK DUE. (This should be the piece you will likely read for the closing exercises. It can be a story or poetry or some alternative genre; the choice is yours. YOU MUST TURN YOUR DRAFT IN BY THIS DATE TO RECEIVE CREDIT. BRING 2 COPIES. Selected poems by Wright. Workshop.

Thurs. 8—Drafts returned with comments. Workshop. Work on Author's Bios and public reading tips.

(July 9-16: Sarah, Justin, and Jessica will be gone for state tour.)

Tues. 13—Workshop.

Thurs. 15—Wrap-up workshopping and conferences.

Sat. 17—Your fiction project, poetry project, and one-paragraph author's bio are due in my hands no later than noon on Sat. the 17th.  Closing exercises. Everyone will read their best work.


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