
List of publications, pre-prints, talks given, and so on.


1. Kevin Dilks, Kyle Petersen, and John Stembridge, Affine Descents and the Steinberg Torus, Advances in Applied Mathematics, Volume 42, Issue 4, May 2009, Pages 423-444 Arxiv
2. Kevin Dilks, Involutions on Baxter Objects,DMTCS Proceedings (FPSAC 2012), pg 721-734 Arxiv
3. Kevin Dilks, Jessica Striker, and Oliver Pechenik, Resonance in Orbits of Plane Partitions and Increasing Tableaux, JCTA, Volume 148, May 2017, Pages 244-274 Arxiv
4. Kevin Dilks, Jessica Striker, and Corey Vorland, Increasing Labelings and Generalized Promotion and Rowmotion Arxiv
5. Kevin Dilks, Quarter-Turn Baxter Permutations, Arxiv


Total Promotion, from my 2008 summer REU.