Common name: Beet webworm.
Hodges #: 5004.
Identification: Rfw 10.8 mm, fw vein Rs4
from discal cell, subterminal pale shade with two ‘teeth’ on inner
margin, hw with transverse lines, maxillary palpi brownish, proboscis
with scales at base, ventral abdomen uniform yellowish white.
Similar species: 5016, 5017, 5156.
Distribution: Great plains from southern Canada to Texas, and
westward, sporadic eastward to the New England states.
Hosts: a general feeder on a wide variety of crop and weed
species, injurious to Beta vulgaris (L.)– beets.

ND, Slope Co., Marmarth. 28- VII- 1999. Hg/ UV light,
coll. G. Fauske.