Common name: Orange-humped mapleworm Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 18.7 mm, with a pale streak from discal cell to
apex; streak with white tooth, just distad of reniform, wider than
high; s.t. line appears as a series of 'swept back' crescents in each cell.. Scape of antennae with long scale tuft, palpi
prorect, longer than height of eye. Male with emargination of
eighth sternite deeper than wide.
Similar species:
Distribution: southern Canada and northern half of United
States east of the Great Plains.
Hosts: Larval feed on Maples- Acer. Note: Prior to
1946, S. canicosta, S. leucitys and S. albifrons were
thought to be a single species then known as Symmerista alibfrons.
the Key to
Notodontidae of the Dakotas for separation of these three species.
The true S. albifrons does not occur in the Dakotas.

MN. Clay Co., Moorhead Science
Center. UV/ Hg lt. 19-VI- 1996.
G. Fauske, C. Lochen, L.

Larva, pic courtesy of James B. Hanson, USDA Forest Service,
Forestry Images,