Common name: Checkered-fringed prominent Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 17.55 mm, white or ocellate white rimmed
reniform spot is diagnostic within the genus. Members
of the genus Schizura are distinguished from the related genera Heterocampa and Lochmaeus by the
evenly narrow Rs cell above the discal cell on the hw and from members
of the Notodontinae in having the male antennae pectinate with the
pectinations abruptly shorter at about 2/3 the antennal length, the
apical 1/3 is simple.
Similar species: sexual dimorphism results in a large number
of somewhat similar species- 7920,
7983, 7994,
7995, 7998,
8007, 8009,
8017, 9382.
Distribution: southern Canada and United States.
Hosts: Larval have been reported from a wide variety of plants
including- Basswood- Tilia, Birch- Betula, Cherry-
Prunus, Dogwood- Cornus, Elm- Ulmus, Hackberry-
Celtis, Hawthorn- Crataegus, Maple- Acer, Oak-
Quercus, and Roses- Rosa.
NY Long Island. Orient, 6- VI- 1938.
Roy Latham

ND. Cass Co., Fargo. USDA UV lt.
trap, 17- VII- 1956
Forewing of S. ipomoeae with ocellate reniform

Larva, pic courtesy of Lacy Hyche, Auburn University,
Forestry Images,