Common name: Mottled prominent Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 21.6 mm, color variable, with or without a
large pale patch on fw; fw with greenish apical
streak and streaks in cell CuA1 and in the fold traceable even in
palest specimens. Green fades to yellowish in preserved moths.
Hw with large basal areole. Male eighth sternite with inverted
'U-shaped' groove and two pits within groove.
Similar species: 7983, 7985,
Distribution: southern Canada and United
States east of the 100th meridian.
Hosts: Larval feed on Oaks- Quercus. Note:
specimens from the Great Plains lack the whitish fw patches of eastern
moths and are M. m. manitobensis McDunnough.
ND. Wells Co. 10- VIII- 1962

IN. Lawrence Co., Bedford. at light,
VI- 1978. B. Stiles.