Common name: White blotched
caterpillar Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 24.95 mm, without black streak in cell CuA2,
male eighth sternite without inverted 'U-shaped" groove or pits.
Abdomen with a series of dorsal scale tufts. Members of the genus Heterocampa can be separated from
Lochmaeus by having the terminal line being either continuous or
accented by spots at the wing veins. Members of the genera
Heterocampa and Lochmaeus can be separated from Schizure
by the constricted Rs cell on the hw.
Similar species: 7952,
7983, 7985,
Distribution: southern Canada and United
States east of the Great Plains.
Hosts: Larval feed on Oaks- Quercus.

IN. Tippecanoe Co. 25- VIII- 1966.
B. Stiles.

Abdomen of H. umbrata showing row of dorsal scale tufts. |