Common name: Ruby tiger moth.
Hodges #: 8156.
Identification: Rfw 13.2 mm, wings translucent, fw without
transverse lines, hw mostly fuscous above discal cell.
Similar species: 8157, 8158.
Distribution: central Canada and northern U.S., southward in
Rockies and Sierras, widespread in Eurasia.
Hosts: larvae are general feeders on herbaceous plants including
Eupatorium-- boneset, Plantago-- plantain, Rumex--
dock, Veronia-- ironweed, and Helianthus-- sunflower.
Note: North American populations are P. f. rubricosa
(Harris, 1841).

MN, Clay Co., Moorhead Science Center, T129N
R46W, Sec. 10. Hg/UV light, 10- VII- 1997, coll. G.
Fauske. |