Common name: Large ruby tiger moth.
Hodges #: 8158.
Identification: Rfw 15.5 mm, fw opaque, without transverse lines;
hw scarlet with broad fuscous marginal band.
Similar species: 8156,
Distribution: Canada and northern U.S., southward in Rockies to
Hosts: larvae are general feeders on herbaceous plants,
Taraxicum-- dandelion and Plantago-- plantain in
captivity, Betula-- birch and Populus balsamifera L.--
Balsam poplar in the wild.
Note: moth at lower right is secreting greenish droplet of
defensive fluid. Most arctiids have cyanide compounds in their

MN, Lake Co., Lake Leander barrens, T60N
R19W, Sec. 17. Hg/UV light, 30- V- 1992, coll. G. Fauske.

MN, Beltrami Co., Webster Lake camp ground, 27- V-
2002, pic. G. Fauske.