Common name: Blake's tiger moth.
Hodges #: 8185 as Apantesis blakei (Grote).
Identification: Rfw 13 mm, smallest Grammia, fw with one
transverse line nearly reaching inner margin, hw yellow with a black
discal spot and a second median spot in cell CuA2, pro-tibia
white dorsally.
Similar species: 8179, 8182,
Distribution: Great Plains and Intermontane region from southern
Canada into the southwestern United States.
Hosts: a variety of herbaceous plants including: Medicago
sativa-- alfalfa, and Triticum aestivum-- wheat.
Note: See-- The
Grammia complex in North Dakota.

ND, McLean Co., Garrison Local Training Area, 11 mi WSW
Garrison. 47 36 25 N. Lat, 101 33 57 W Long. Hg/UV lt.
28- VI- 2002. coll. P. Beauzay.

ND, Billings Co., 13- VI- 1962.