Common name: listed here as 'Favorite
tiger moth.'
Hodges #: 8193, as Apantesis favorita (Neumoegen).
Identification: Rfw 18.9 mm, fw streaks and transverse lines pale
salmon pink with white edging, transverse line at end of discal cell
straight, veins not marked with white, hw ground color pinkish red,
pro-tibiae black dorsally.
Similar species: 8179, 8182,
8195, 8196,
Distribution: Northern Great Plains and foothills of the Rockies..
Hosts: not recorded.
Note: See--
The Grammia complex
in North Dakota.

SD, Fall River Co., Angustora Reservoir State Recreation
Area. Hg/UV lt. 13- VI- 2002, coll. G. Fauske.