Insect Ecology at NDSU The Harmon Lab
















Prospective Graduate Students

Enhancing Pollination – MS Research Assistantship, for Spring 2019.

We are looking for a new graduate student to start in the Spring of 2019.  Please see our advertisement.


More information

Before applying, I strongly encourage you to visit this page for a little bit more about my perspective on graduate school:

More information about NDSU and the surrounding area are available at

Use the tab on the bottom of the page to learn more about my lab and ongoing research.


Other opportunities.

I am always seeking to recruit highly motivated students to pursue graduate degrees in Entomology (either MS or PhD) studying insect ecology in agroecosystems. If you are a highly motivated student and interested in trying to find competitive funding please contact me.


Undergraduate Research Opportunities

There are plenty of opportunities for undergraduate students to get a hands-on experience with scientific research during the school year and over the summer. I particularly welcome and encourage students to experience the full scope of the research experience from coming up with a question, through experimental design and implementation, and then analysis and publication.