Ganapathy Mahalingam

Personal web site of Ganapathy Mahalingam

An Architectural Journey

Architectural design is a journey that starts with unlimited possibilities and evolves through design decisions that reflect specificity with minimal tolerances. Life is like architectural starts with unlimited possibilities and evolves through specific experiences and achievements. Each one's life is an architectural journey.

The little wave asked a ?

the little wave asked a question
as it bounced and swirled
leapt and curled
and then burst in glee
What am I
but a sun kissed crest
of life from 'neath the sea
deep down I've struggled
in gurgle wildernesses
where monsters moan
in eerie eternity
flaps of tail
and fins aflail
have lashed my face and fleed
my head was caught
my neck was wrung
as I floundered 'midst some weed
till a warm ballast
of some force
lifted me, and I was freed
freed to surge my way atop
and sing my liberty

A favorite piece of poetry that I have composed, close to my heart, that was published in Carbon World, the North Dakota State University Literary Journal in 2002.

What's new in my life

Started working on my web presence.

I am now active on Facebook, Linkedin and Windows Live.