Molecular Markers: Tools of Molecular Genetics
Mendel's Discoveries and Molecular Genetics
Plant Domestication
Molecular Phylogenetics and Population Structure and Differentiation
Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci
Linkage Disequilibrium and Association Mapping
Map-Based Cloning of Plant Genes: On-line Resources
DNA Sequencing Technologies
Genome Sequencing: On-line Resources
Plant Genome Evolution: On-line Resources
Sequencing and Evolution of Plant Genomes
Plant Transposable Elements: On-line Resources
Plant Transcription, Transcription Factors, and Chromatic Remodeling:
On-Line Resources
Transcription Animations
Plant Non-Coding RNAs: On-Line Resources
Higher Order Concepts: Second Half of Semester
Control of Plant Gene Expression by Cis-Acting
Elements and Trans-Acting Factors
Genes Controlling Flower Development in Plants:
Mendelian Genetics to Molecular Sequence
Transposon Tagging of Plant Gene
Analyzing Plant Gene Expression with Transgenic