More Research
Almost every project involves undergraduate students. Projects include / have included
Silicic rocks in the Somoncura region of Argentina, with Daniel Gregori, Ernesto Bjerg, and numerous students (Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahia Blanca, and CONICET).
Extensive silicic magmatism in South America can not be directly attributed to subduction and arc formation. The Somoncura Magmatic Belt in northern Patagonia, Argentina, a suite of intrusive and extrusive silicic units, is an example of such an area with an equivocal genesis.
This NSF-funded work has been carried out with Daniel Gregori, Ernesto Bjerg, and a graduate student at the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahia Blanca (Argentina), undergraduate students at North Dakota State University (Fargo), in cooperation with Clark Johnson and Brian Beard at the Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Karl Wirth at the Department of Geology at Macalester College (St. Paul, Minnesota); George Gehrels at the University of Arizona; and Jeff Vervoort at Washington State University. Saini-Eidukat et al., 1999; Saini-Eidukat et al., 2002; Gregori et al 2016; Gregori et al., 2019.
Electric Pulse Disaggregation (Paul Weiblen, University of Minnesota)
The feasibility of pulsed power as a rock disaggegation method. This method is known as pulsed power disaggregation (PPD), electric pulse disaggregation (EPD) and electric pulse fragmentation (EPF). For examples of minerals and microfossils separated using pulsed power technology, click here. Rudashevsky et al 1995.
We were the first to separate fossils from their matrix using pulsed power. Saini-Eidukat et al 1995; Saini-Eidukat and Weiblen 1996.
Other Projects
- Chemical weathering of Miocene sediments from the Dry Valleys, Antarctica (Ashley Steffen, Adam Lewis, and Felix Zamora) Steffen et al., 2013
- High grade Au-Ag veins at the Fire Creek Mine, Nevada (John Marma)
- Archaeology - petrography of lithic fragments (Mike Michlovic, MSUM)
- The sedimentary petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of manganiferous iron formation from the perspective of developing the extraction method of in situ leaching for manganese (U.S. Bureau of Mines). Saini-Eidukat et al., 1993; Brink et al. 1991; Brink et al. 1995