I got an email from Novelution saying I'm missing CITI training. How Can I see what I'm missing?

There are two ways to check which CITI trainings you're missing:


  1. Select Requirements from Panel Shortcuts within the protocol.
  2. Hover over the blue circle with question mark by each individual's name. This gives the list of missing training(s)
  3. REMEMBER: training is a HARD STOP for the approval process!


  1. Log in to CITI.
  2. Click My Courses at the top. Then scroll down.
  3. Click the blue View Courses box.
  4. Scroll all the way down to the bottom.  Inside the gray box titled Learner Toos for North Dakota State University, click View Previously Completed Coursework.
  5. This will show you all the courses you have taken and renewed.  From here you will be able to see if any courses are due now or expired.
  6. REMEMBER: training is a HARD STOP for the approval process!

Why can't I find my CITI Training in Vector?

IBC trainings are not housed or completed via Vector.  Vector is only for the NDSU required annual trainings.  The process to complete and verify your CITI trainings has not changed. 


How do I add to my research team?

  1. Click the blue Amend box at the top of the protocol.
  2. Click blue Request box in the New Amendment or Annual Review portion.
  3. This will take you to the new Amendment / Annual Renewal revision.  Select Amendment.
  4. Go to the Panel shortcuts menu on the left-hand side of the protocol.  Select Research team from Panel shortcuts.
  5. Click blue Add Researcher button and go through usual steps to add the individual(s) to your team.
  6. Click blue Review and Submit button. 

When they don’t have an NDSU email:

Check the box indicating the person you are adding is an external user, fill out their information and save. This will add them to the protocol. Go back to Step 5 above.

The individual you added will receive an email to complete their Novelution profile. https://erac.ndsu.edu/

What do I do if I know there has been a protocol deviation or adverse event, but I’m not comfortable speaking up to my advisor or PI?

Please know the Research Integrity, Security and Compliance team is here to help you achieve success in every way possible. Please reach out to us if you have any concerns about any possible protocol deviations or adverse events taking place. We will handle the situation on your behalf and if you prefer, your anonymity will be protected. We encourage you to speak up if you feel something isn’t happening the way it should.

Why are there so many of the same review comment?

The Novelution system requires a review comment be entered by the IBC administrator when indicating modifications are required for designated member review.

This means each time the protocol goes back and forth between the reviewers and the PI, an additional comment will be added. It’s usually something to the effect of “Modifications needed.”

In addition to this comment from the administrator, often each of the reviewers will add a similar comment, because the Novelution system requires a comment be added.

These comments do not need to be specifically addressed, only the substantive comments left by the reviewers.

Keep in mind you may respond to the review comments in the Review Comments conversation portion, but you are also required to add any additional substantive information to the corresponding area of the protocol to officially add it. The protocol cannot be approved without doing this.

How do I regsiter for a CITI course / training?
  1. Log into CITI.
  2. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the main page.  There’s a gray box with rounded corners titled: Learner Tools for North Dakota State University.  Click the top option, Add a Course.
  3. On the next page, Lab Animal Research.
  4. The next thing that will come up is the list of all the IBC CITI courses available to everyone at NDSU.  This is where you’ll select the specie(s) you work with.  
    1. Basic Biosafety Training Course
      • Required for all projects
    2. If working with Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules:
      • Complete the NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines course.
    3. If working with human blood, bodily fluids, tissues, cells or cell lines: 
      • Complete the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens course.
How can I check which trainings my research team is missing?

1. Select Requirements from Panel Shortcuts in protocol within the protocol.

2. Hover over the blue circle with question mark by each individual’s name. This will give a list of missing trainings for that person.

ALL research team members need to complete the Basic Biosafety Training Course.  In addition, they need project specific CITI training(s).   

    • If working with Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules:
      • Complete the NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines course.
    • If working with human blood, bodily fluids, tissues, cells or cell lines: 
      • Complete the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens course.

REMEMBER: training is a HARD STOP for the approval process!

My IBC protocol shows there are pre-submission requirements.  What does that mean?

This usually means either the Novelution system or IBC administrator needs to check off CITI training for one or more research team member prior to having reviewers assigned. When the Novelution system moves a protocol to pre-submission requirements, the IBC administrator does not recieve any sort of notification, so is unaware of this status. 

Here's how to check if CITI training is why the protocol is being held up in the approval process: 

  1. Select Requirements from Panel Shortcuts within the protocol.
  2. Hover over the blue circle with question mark by each individual's name. This gives the list of missing training(s)
  3. REMEMBER: training is a HARD STOP for the approval process!

How do I get a copy of my approval letter?

You can download a copy of the approval letter by:

  1. Navigate into the protocol in Novelution.
  2. Click on the IBC Correspondence panel on the left side.
  3. Click on the appropriate correspondence.
  4. Click on the blue eye icon on the right.
  5. Click on IBC Approval Letter.pdf link in the Upload Attachments area.

This will download your approval letter.

What do I/my research team need to be added to an IBC protocol?

To be added to a protocol involving biohazards:

  1. Complete your Novelution profile.  You will receive an email from the Novelution system when your PI / advisor adds you to the protocol, if you do not already have a Novelution profile. This is where all your training documentation is stored, so it’s important to complete this step first.
  2. Complete CITI training:
    • Basic Biosafety Training Course.
      • Required for all projects
    • If working with Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules:
      • Complete the NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines course.
    • If working with human blood, bodily fluids, tissues, cells or cell lines: 
      • Complete the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens course.
How do I find the most recent review comments?

 1. Navigate into your protocol.

2. Click Review Comments from the Panel Shortcuts to navigate to the comments.

3. To sort by date to see the most recent comments, click the Date column. Clicking once will put the most recent comments on top. Clicking twice will put the oldest comments on top.

It tells me a research team member’s training log is missing. What do I do?

To add a training log: 

  1. Go into the protocol
  2. Go to the Research Team panel
  3. Click the blue edit box on the far-right side
  4. Click the blue select box next to Species Training Log
  5. Select the appropriate (most recent) training log
  6. Click save in the pop-up box
  7. Click save at the bottom of the protocol
How do I download a protocol?
  1. Navigate to the protocol.
  2. Click the cloud / arrow icon in the upper right corner
  3. Select which fields you want included. The double arrow will give you all fields.
  4. Select Download.  
How does the IBC administrator know when I’ve completed training?

The Novelution and CITI systems ‘talk’ to each other in the early morning hours.  In this process, the Novelution system will automatically check off any completed CITI training.  It is not necessary to send the IBC administrator your completion certificates.  

The ONLY way these two programs can accurately report your completed training is if the email address listed in your Novelution profile, and the email address in your CITI Profile are exactly the same. 

Your Novelution profile uses the email set by the University System, and can be found by:

  • Clicking on 'Profile & Settings"
  • Edit User Profile
  • For most faculty, staff and students, this will be your first.last@ndsu.edu; however, if you have another affilation within the NDUS system (e.g. you are a student at another institution), the domain may be the institution at which you are a student OR @ndus.edu.
  • If you notice these do not match, change the email you use for your CITI account to the email you use for your Novelution account. 
How do I find my protocols?

Once you’re logged in, navigate to Search IBC Protocols under the IBC tab.

If you know the protocol number, you can enter it into the Protocol # or Title box.  You can also search by your name in Personnel or your PI’s name in PI/Co-PI.  If you are part of the research team, the protocol(s) will appear in the search results.  If you are not, it will not appear.

Do I need to notify the IBC office when I’ve submitted modifications requested by reviewers?

You do not need to notify the administrator after you have submitted requested modifications.  The Novelution system will automatically notify the administrator when you submit the modifications.

How does the protocol review process work?




  • Even though you submit an official amendment to add to your research team, it is an administrative approval and does not need to go through the approval process the way other amendments do.  As long as those you are adding have all their training and requirements completed, it should be approved within a day or two.
  • No additional changes of any kind can be made when a protocol or amendment are in the review process.
  • It is a good idea to write a training component into your protocol for the ability to train research team members as you add them.
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