Economic Impact Reports

Economic Contribution of the North Dakota University System - NDSU

PDF download: NDSU Summary for Fiscal Year 2020 and Fiscal Year 2021

Economic Impact and Return on Investment Perspectives

PDF download: NDSU EMSI Fact Sheet

NDSU's Economic Impact and Return on Investment

NDSU commissioned an extensive external analysis of the University's economic impact and return on investment for NDSU students as well as surrounding local and regional economies. The reports below detail the findings from that study. The study was conducted by EMSI, a leading provider of socioeconomic impact and strategic planning tools throughout the U.S. and Canada.

EMSI NDSU Economic Impact and Return on Investment Executive Summary

The NDSU Economic Impact and Return on Investment Executive Summary provides a nine page overview of the most noteworthy highlights from the Main Report.

EMSI NDSU Economic Impact and Return on Investment Main Report

The NDSU Economic Impact and Return on Investment Main Report details in five chapters how NDSU impacts the regional economic climate.

EMSI NDSU Economic Impact and Return on Investment Overview

The NDSU Economic Impact and Return on Investment Overview is a brief PowerPoint presentation explaining the significance of the Economic Impact Study outcomes.

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