ND Agricultural Experiment Station
Contact Greg Lardy

Joe and Norma Peltier Vice President for Agriculture
Dean - College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources
Director - North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Director - NDSU Extension
Phone: (701) 231-7660
E-mail: gregory.lardy@ndsu.edu
North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
NDSU Dept. 7500
314 Morrill Hall, PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
The North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES) develops and disseminates technology important to the production and utilization of food, feed, fiber and fuel from crop and livestock enterprises. Its research enhances the quality of life, sustainability of production and protection of the environment.
Through academic departments in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources; the seven Research Extension Centers in strategic areas of the state; and the Agronomy Seed Farm, faculty and staff conduct applied research in the following program areas:
- Agribusiness and Applied Economics - grain and livestock marketing, risk management, global trade
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering - precision agriculture, bioprocessing, agricultural waste management, irrigation systems and water management
- Animal Sciences - reproductive physiology, genetics, meat processing, animal nutrition
- Microbiological Sciences - microbiology, food safety, veterinary diagnostics
- Plant Pathology - disease forecasting and management, biological control of plant diseases, molecular genetics
- Plant Sciences - plant breeding and genetics; weed science; biotechnology; crop production and physiology; horticulture; cereal grain quality, processing and product development
- School of Natural Resource Sciences - soil fertility, soil management, wetlands/groundwater, insect pest management ecology, range science, natural resources management
Faculty and staff of the NDAES work closely with NDSU Extension personnel to provide scientifically-based, unbiased information that is needed by North Dakota producers and agribusinesses to make sound management decisions.