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Research Reports


The Carrington Research Extension Center conducts research and hosts educational programs to enhance the productivity, competitiveness, and diversity of agriculture in central North Dakota and beyond. Research activities at the CREC include scientists and support staff trained in implementing programs in Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Precision Agriculture and Animal Science. These program teams are able to address a broad scope of factors that impact North Dakota agriculture. The crop diversity of the state is addressed in all program areas and is further supported by the ability to conduct research under both dryland and irrigated conditions. Projects addressing organic crop production and a fruit and berry program broaden the constituency being served. The foundation seed program of the Center represents an important part of the overall NDSU Foundation Seed program. The CREC is the base of operation for four state Extension specialists. The research reports highlight specific research we are conducting.

Agronomy Research from Carrington Research Extension Center
Manure nutrient content can be impacted by several variables such as North Dakota’s dynamic climate and available feedstuffs for cattle.
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