
American Arborvitae

(F2219 July, 2024)
Publication File:
Lead Author
Lead Author:
Joseph Zeleznik, Ph.D., Extension Forester
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Scientific Name: Thuja occidentalis
Family: Cupressaceae (Cyprus)
Hardiness: Zone 3
Leaves: Evergreen
Plant Type: Tree
Rate: Slow
Mature Height: 25’-45’
Longevity: Medium
Power Line: No
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Fruit: Small tan cones
Fall Color: n/a


A small to medium upright tree with a stout, buttressed trunk, native to Minnesota. Compact dwarf cultivars are widely used in landscapes. The tree is hardy in all zones but prefers a semi-moist site. Other common names are northern whitecedar and eastern arborvitae. An uncertain combination of winter conditions may cause infrequent winter injury in the Northern United States. The largest tree in North Dakota is 45 feet tall with a canopy spread of 30 feet. Compatibility with power lines depends on the variety that is planted.


Light: Full sun to partial shade.
Water: Grows in average, moist soils.
Soil: Neutral to alkaline soils.


American Arborvitae does not do well on windy, exposed sites and may suffer damage during ice or heavy snow storms. 

Over 120 cultivated varieties are available including dwarf, blue, yellow and compact varieties.

Credits: NDSU Tree Selector Website, http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/ PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=c246, Monrovia