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Leadership and Civic Engagement

A group of people are gathered around a table in a gymnasium, watching a presenter point to a flipchart


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There are so many different ways you can get involved—learn how to grow as a community member and how to grow your community's presence in North Dakota.



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Board Management

Where do you begin?


Change can be positive or negative, exciting or demoralizing, vital or unnecessary, easy or difficult - and many times all of the above!


Effective communication is the basis of any successful team or organization.

Community Capitals

Our Community Capitals approach empowers communities to utilize and enhance their natural, cultural, human, social, political, financial, and built resources for sustainable development and resilience.

Ethical Leadership

Ethical leaders respect beliefs, values, rights and dignity of all.

Facilitation Services

Our expert facilitation services enhance collaboration and ensure productive, inclusive discussions for successful meetings, workshops, and strategic planning sessions.

Personal Awareness

Personal awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don't align with your internal standards.
Group of people looking at papers scattered on conference room floor

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning brings a sense of focus to any organization.

4-H Leadership Opportunities

Grow your leadership skills with 4-H.