
Families and Flood Evacuation: Items to Take for Children Evacuating

(DE1568, Revised March 2020)

Natural disasters such as floods are stressful events for families. Evacuating their home is obviously stressful for children. Plan ahead by packing a disaster supplies kit for each of your children to grab if your family has to evacuate due to flood conditions or other reasons.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Sean Brotherson, NDSU Extension Family Science Specialist
Web only
Publication Sections

Evacuating from their home obviously is stressful for children. Plan ahead by packing a disaster supplies kit for each of your children to grab if your family has to evacuate.

For all children

  • Medical equipment if needed by the child, and prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Changes of clothing for several days
  • A pillow and/or familiar blanket
  • Favorite books, toys, hand-held games, music devices, board games, etc., to occupy your child’s attention
  • Favorite toys or items that provide security, such as a stuffed animal or blanket
  • A few favorite personal or family photos
  • Toiletry items such as toothbrush and toothpaste, comb or brush
  • A page with identification details about your child (height, weight, hair and eye color, etc.), a photo that shows you with your child, any needed medical information, contact names and phone numbers (information of family members or others to contact) in case your child gets separated from you

For infants

  • Formula and/or baby food
  • Diapers and baby hygiene items
  • Bottles, baby spoon

For older children

  • Markers, pens or pencils and paper to occupy their time and write or draw what they’re experiencing
  • Laptop or tablet and charger

If you have time, have older children pack their own kits and prioritize what to take. This will help them feel more in control. Put the items in a backpack or wheeled suitcase that older children can carry. Remind children that you’ll take care of them and they’ll be safe.


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