Canola has special requirements for sulfur, while mustard does not. A 2,000-lb/A canola crop contains about 12 lb S/A in the straw and 15 lb S/A in the seed. A 2,400-lb/acre wheat crop, on the other hand, contains only 5 lb/A S in the seed and 7 lb/A in the straw.
The consequences of low soil S levels are very serious in canola production. Low sulfur can make the difference between having a crop and not having a crop, as shown in Table 4. Canola responses to sulfur have been demonstrated frequently in North Dakota (Table 5).
Table 4. Canola response to sulfur, Manitoba. (adapted from Canadian canola recommendations, 1994)
Fertilizer Applied |
Yield, lb/A |
Check (residual fertility) |
900 |
250 |
PK + 20 lb S/A |
1,250 |
NPK + 20 lb S/A |
1,800 |
Table 5. Canola response to sulfur, Garrison, N.D. McKay, 1995.
Treatment |
Yield, lb/A |
N only |
1,192 |
N + 20 lb/A 12-0-0-26S (ATS) |
1,432 |
N + 20 lb/A elemental S |
1,240 |
N + 40 lb/A elemental S |
1,431 |
N + 20 lb/A blend of 21-0-0-24S and elemental S |
1,361 |
No soil test procedure has been shown to be diagnostic in the world. The current S soil test tends to overestimate available sulfate-S, and field variability is huge, as shown in Figure 3. Therefore, regardless of soil test analysis, dry or wet season, coarse or higher soil texture, 20 to 30 lb/A of S as a sulfate or thiosulfate form is recommended.
Figure 3. Sulfate-S soil levels from a square, 40-acre area sampled in a 110-foot grid, Valley City, N.D, 1995. Levels vary from 4 lb/A 2 feet to 580 lb/A 2 feet.
Canola takes up sulfate-S. The form of sulfur fertilizer may be ammonium sulfate (21-0-0-24S) or another available sulfate fertilizer, such as ammonium thiosulfate, potassium thiosulfate and other sources. We do not recommend elemental sulfur because it breaks down slowly to sulfate-S.
An example of the effectiveness of ammonium sulfate, compared with elemental sulfur, is shown in Table 6. For this reason, supported by additional research in North Dakota and Canada, we do not recommend elemental sulfur alone or in a blend unless the blend contains sufficient available sulfate to make a crop on its own.
Table 6. Response of canola to ammonium sulfate and degradable elemental sulfur on three soil types on conventional till and no-till. Rocklake, N.D. (Halley and Deibert, 1996).
Rate lb S/acre |
Sources |
Tillage |
Yield, lb/acre |
Soil Types |
Buse |
Barnes |
Svea |
0 |
CT |
400 |
1,020 |
1,180 |
20 |
AS |
CT |
1,819 |
1,980 |
1,860 |
40 |
AS |
CT |
1,890 |
1,670 |
1,980 |
40 |
ES |
CT |
1,260 |
1,290 |
1,470 |
0 |
NT |
30 |
240 |
1,450 |
20 |
AS |
NT |
1,650 |
1,680 |
2,100 |
40 |
AS |
NT |
1,810 |
1,870 |
1,810 |
40 |
ES |
NT |
620 |
1,060 |
1,630 |
LSD 5% within tillage treatments 155 lb/acre.
Sources: AS= ammonium sulfate (21-0-0-24S)
CT= conventional tillage
Tillage: ES= degradable elemental sulfur (0-0-90S)
NT= no-till
Gypsum (calcium sulfate) generally is not recommended because it has relatively low solubility, compared with ammonium sulfate, and because most gypsum commercially available is in forms that are not as easy to handle and spread as ammonium sulfate or elemental sulfur. If gypsum pellets were available with acceptable spreading qualities and rates were increased somewhat to compensate for lower solubility, gypsum application would be acceptable.
A variety of sulfur deficiency symptoms are shown in Figures 4 through 6. Deficiencies often are seen on higher landscapes (hilltops and slopes) where soils are coarser or eroded and organic matter levels are lower.
Figure 4. Canola early season S-deficiency symptoms. Cupping, stunting and interveinal yellowing.
Figure 5. Later season S-deficiency symptoms in canola. Cupping, purpling along leaf margins and bracts, narrow leaf structure.
Figure 6. Typical landscape relationship of S deficiency. Photo taken from hilltop, showing sparse, uneven growth at the summit and the eroded hillside on the next hill.
Early season symptoms are yellowing between the leaf veins, cupped leaves and stunting. Later in the season, leaves are cupped, slender and purple, especially at the edges and on the bracts. Flowering is delayed and flowers may be pale yellow or white when they emerge.
Deficient areas may have a bronze appearance from a distance. Seed often does not set and pods will be barren or poorly developed. Producers must seriously consider sulfur nutrition in a canola fertility program.
Providing adequate sulfur before or at planting is best. However, if deficiencies are identified early in the season before significant flowering, yield responses still are possible by applying a rescue treatment of ammonium thiosulfate (12-0-0-26S) or ammonium sulfate (Table 7). The earlier a treatment is made, the greater the yield response.
Table 7. Response of S-deficient canola to a foliar rescue at bolting. Sulfur from ammonium thiosulfate (12-0-0-26S). Lukach, 1995. Rocklake, N.D.
Treatment |
Yield, lb/A |
Deficient 0 lb S/A |
290 |
Deficient 10 lb S/A |
613 |
Deficient 20 lb S/A |
870 |
Adjacent area, not deficient |
919 |
Leaves absorb little sulfur. A rescue treatment needs rainfall to move the soluble sulfate to the roots. A top-dressed treatment also may be the best alternative to sulfur application on dormant seeded canola. Fall application places available sulfur at risk for spring leaching. In a dry spring, this may not be a problem, but in wet springs, leaching can place the sulfur below the rooting zone.
Top-dressing when canola is small reduces the risk of spring losses. Dry sulfate materials do not volatilize and remain available, providing rainfall incorporates the application. Top-dressing with liquids should wait until after the fifth leaf emerges and leaves become sufficiently waxy to minimize leaf burn potential.
Following the canola harvest, cut canola stems may continue to bud and regrow into small plants if they are deficient in sulfur. Plants that received adequate sulfur during the growing season will not branch and regrow in this way, but will be dead stubble following harvest.
The unfortunate producer may use this delayed senescence resulting from sulfur deficiency to advantage as a map of deficient areas in future years. Do not confuse this type of regrowth with volunteer seed sprouting following harvest.