
Healthy Skin: The Movie

(FN1619 Reviewed Nov. 2022)
Publication File:

Using a story board format, "Healthy Skin:The Movie" takes teens and preteens through some lessons about skin care, including good nutrition and sun protection.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., Food and Nutrition Specialist
Other Authors

Rebecca West, Graduate Student (former)

Web only
Publication Sections


  1. Skin is made up of how many layers?
    a. 1
    b. 3
    c. 4
  2. Acne is caused by
    a. dead skin cells and excess oil that are trappe
    b. eating greasy foods and chocolat
    c. wearing makeup
  3. Acne can be minimized by:
    a. using powerful cleansers and scrubbing hard
    b. healthful eating and good personal hygiene
    c. lots of sun exposure
  4. True or false? Only those at the age of puberty can get acne.
  5. You should see a dermatologist when
    a. you first see a whitehea
    b. you first see a blackhea
    c. acne becomes persistent or severe

Answers: 1. b., 2. a., 3. b., 4. false, 5. c.

Fade in:

The scene is the day before prom. You wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and see the beginning of a red bump. This is acne, a lump that forms in the epidermis, or outer-most layer of skin. “Blast it all!” you say, “I’ve been so stressed that my dermis, or second layer of skin, has produced too much sebum oil.” Then, without picking at the bump, you gently wash your face with a soap that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. “Much better. I think I’ll try a cover-up that is ‘noncomedogenic’ so it doesn’t clog my pores.”


Acne in Action

Acne in Action
Acne in Action
Acne in Action
Acne in Action


Acne in Action
Acne in Action

Cut to:

You go into the kitchen for breakfast. You prepare yourself a healthful breakfast of whole-grain cereal topped with lots of fresh berries and skim milk. “Wow, I feel better already,” you say. Then you pack your lunch with fresh veggies and fruit, and a couple of bottles of water. “I’m going to keep my skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water!” After applying sunscreen, you go out into the beautiful spring day and walk to school.


Eat a healthy breakfast
Eat a healthy breakfast


Hydrate with water
Hydrate with water
Wear sunscreen to protect your skin
Wear sunscreen to protect your skin


Roll credits:

Acne is caused by dead skin cells and excess sebum oil trapped in the pores. Serious forms of acne, such as cysts and nodules, are caused by bacteria that enter on the skin surface and become trapped in pores.

Stress can add to acne by producing more sebum oil, but greasy foods and chocolate in moderation have little or no effect. Dirt does not cause acne, but excessive and harsh scrubbing can make acne worse.

Acne can appear on the arms, legs and back as well as on the face.

Acne can happen at any age, although an estimated 80% to 90% of teens will get it.

For promoting healthy skin, special thanks goes to:

  • Eating a healthful diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Eating inflammation-reducing foods such as salmon and flax seed oil
  • Taking a multivitamin
  • Showering regularly
  • Using 30 SPF sunscreen that is noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic
  • Avoiding tanning beds

Graphic artist: David Haasser

For more information on this and other topics, see www.ag.ndsu.edu/food


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