The audience for both webinar series consisted of a broad range of attendees who included producers, Extension personnel and personnel from government agencies. Overall, participants indicated that the “Preparing for Drought” series increased their knowledge of the topics covered (Figure 1). The survey indicated that a total of 53 unique participants intended to make managements changes impacting more than 36,000 acres of grazing land and 6,000 head of livestock.
Figure 1. Participant rating of knowledge increase for the six sessions in the Preparing Your Ranch for Drought webinar series.
To date, 104 individuals have registered for the Navigating Drought on Your Ranch webinars, of which 28 attended the Preparing Your Ranch for Drought Series. During the planning series, seven (25%) of these individuals indicated they had a drought plan. Following the series, 8 (29%) additional participants implemented a drought plan (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Status of drought plans for individuals following participation in the Preparing Your Ranch for Drought webinars.
Currently, 100% of participants in the Navigating Drought on Your Ranch webinars have indicated that the webinars have increased their knowledge of the topics covered. In addition, eight unique participants intended to make changes impacting more than 30,570 acres of grazing land and 2,430 head of livestock.
The drought webinars hosted by NDSU Extension have provided timely information to aid ranchers in the development of drought management plans and strategies for their ranches. The recordings from these webinars are available at