
North Dakota Canola Hybrid Trial Results for 2024 and Selection Guide

(A1124-24, December 2024)

North Dakota has seen significant growth in canola production over the past several years, particularly from 2020 to 2024. From 2017 to 2024, the state canola acreage has increased by nearly 570,000 acres, illustrating the crop’s importance to the state’s agricultural landscape. In 2021, 1.75 million acres were planted, producing 23.05 billion pounds. In 2023, the state planted 1.93 million acres of canola, producing approximately 34.7 billion pounds and a yield of 1,810 pounds per acre. In 2024, both planted acreage and production increased further, with farmers planting 2.15 million acres and producing an estimated 40.04 billion pounds. The average yield for the state was 1,880 pounds per acre, a slight increase from 2023. This growth in both acreage and production reflects the expanding demand for canola and its profitability. This upward trend underscores North Dakota’s position as a major producer of canola in the U.S. 

When evaluating varieties or hybrids from trials, pay special attention to yield results closest to your production area. It is also advisable to consider yield averages over several years rather than relying on data from just one year. Additionally, other agronomic characteristics — such as maturity, lodging scores and oil percentages — should be taken into account when available. 

Research specialists and technicians contributed to the fieldwork and data compilation. Secretaries contributed in entering data into the respective sections of this document. We greatly appreciate the assistance provided by everyone involved.

Other Authors

Ana Carcedo, Mukhlesur Rahman (North Dakota State University, Main Station); Mike Ostlie, Kristin Simons (Carrington Research Extension Center); Bryan Hanson, Lawrence Henry, Richard Duerr (Langdon Research Extension Center); Rickertsen, John (Hettinger Research Extension Center); Leandro Bortolon, Austin Kraklau, Jayden Hanson (North Central Research Extension Center).

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